The current COVID-19 pandemic is completely unparalleled and none of us know exactly how to react. With so many of us social distancing and in isolation we know we're going to be spending a lot more time at home for the foreseeable future.
It is important to have gratitude for what we have at this difficult time. Having our health, clean water, clean air, good food and our loving families is all we really need. Staying positive is instrumental to our mental well being. With all the tragedy and uncertainty that surrounds us, and all the changes in our daily lives, staying positive isn’t always easy.

As fashion stylists we don’t have a cure for Coronavirus but we would like to inspire you, whilst you have the time to invest in some self love. Taking control of your wardrobe and getting organised will help lift your spirits and put you in great shape for life post isolation. Shifting our perspective from what we’re missing out on, to what we can positively and productively achieve in this time will leave you feeling great.
Clutter can negatively impact our life. Too many clothes in our wardrobe can lead to too many outfit choices leaving us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed.
Research has shown that we attach great emotions to our clothing. Choosing clothing that makes us feel good helps boost our moods. When we are feeling good we have higher self esteem and are able to perform at a much higher level both in our personal and professional life. We encourage you to be the best version of you, through your fashion choices. This is a great time to play in your wardrobe and put new outfit combinations together.
Most of us wear the same outfits over and over. It is said we wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. With our wardrobes bursting with items we don’t wear, have never worn or have not worn in years.
Seeing we can’t come to your place to physically do a Wardrobe Makeover session we would like to give some pointers for you to perform your own.
To start, take everything out of your wardrobe. Yep, everything. Place all your garments on the bed in one massive pile. Go through every piece. Yes, EVERY piece. are some of our quick questions to ask yourself when reviewing each individual garment in your closet during your wardrobe makeover-

  1. Firstly look at the garment and honestly decide if the garment is damaged or worn out and still acceptable to wear?

  2. Ask yourself, does the garment make me feel good when I wear it?

  3. Do I actually wear this garment, or when was the last time I wore it?

  4. Does the garment fit me now? (If not move it out of your wardrobe immediately)

  5. Can I see it paired well with anything else existing in my wardrobe?

We begin by creating three piles. The first is for any garments you no longer need but are still in great condition and can be donated to your charity of choice. The second pile is a selection of clothes that can be altered to or repaired. The third is a throw out pile. This is for items that are stained and well beyond their used by date.
As you review each piece, place them in the appropriate pile or if they pass the check test put them back in your wardrobe.
I like to group each category of clothing together. This means all shirts are placed side by side in a colour coordinated order. This will give you a clear visual of all your shirts making it quick and easy to grab a shirt in the morning rush. If you have space, you may wish to separate your clothing into seasons.
As you are returning each piece to your wardrobe, we suggest you start making a shopping list of any garments you need to replace or add to your collection. This will also expose any gaps in your wardrobe.
To make additional space in your wardrobe we suggest you move your special occasion wear such as ball gowns out of your everyday wardrobe. You can pack them in vacuum sealed bags and lay them flat on top of a shelf or under your bed.
When clearing out your wardrobe be brutally honest with yourself about whether or not it still has a place in your life.
Donating your old clothes makes you feel good and there are so many people in need of usable clothing.
Sometimes you just need to let things go. Letting go of the excess often feels like a new beginning. We hope this has inspired you to invest some time creating a wardrobe full of clothes that fit and you love wearing.
Send us photos of your Wardrobe Makeover, we would love to see what you have achieved.



